Peeters-Leuven | Edizioni Carmelitane
In Search of Living Water. Essays on the Mystical Heritage of the Netherlands
Titus Brandsma, O. Carm
2013 | 373p. | The Fiery Arrow Collection
Editors: Hein Blommestijn and Jos Huls of Titus Brandsma Institute
Introduction by Fernando Millán, O. Carm
Translation by Joachim Smet, O. Carm
Edition and annotation by Jos Huls, O. Carm
The personality of Titus Brandsma is multifaceted: Carmelite, journalist, professor of philosophy and the history of mysncism, Rector magnificus of the University of Nijmegen, ecclesiastical advisor for the press, man of prayer with an intense spiritual life, ecumenical man, heroic witness of faith and humanity in the fires of the concentration camps and in the Lager (camp) of Dachau.
Europe in the 1930’s was a hotbed of ideologies, radicalism, intense nationalism, fervent cultural and pohtical activity, international tensions, etc. In this context the spiritual and intellectual activity of Father Titus stands out. That is why, in order to understand better the thinking of Titus Brandsma. this volume is very necessary, for, in making contact with his wntings on spirituality we also fmd his thought, his biography, his attitudes, as well as a spiritual and human profile of the author. The reader will become conscious of his/her relation with God.