Edizioni Carmelitane
Carmelus - International Subscription
CARMELUS 2023 Vol. 70, Issue No. 1 is now available for order!
CARMELUS 2023 Vol. 70, N.º 1 ya está disponible a la venta.
CARMELUS 2023 Vol. 70, fascicolo 1 è ora disponibile per l'ordinazione!
CARMELUS contains original articles on theology –especially spirituality and Mariology– and history; it also includes editions of texts and book reviews. The annual bibliography –begun in 1953– attempts to provide exhaustive coverage of published material by or about Carmelites.
CARMELUS is published twice a year, each volume containing about 400 pages.
ISSN: 0008-6673
International Subscription: € 50,00
Back Numbers: € 56,00
We suggest the following as a reference guide for Carmelus:
CARMELUS – INDEX. Volumes I-XXXV (1954-1988), 1992, viii, 384 p.
ISBN 978-88-7288-026-5
Compiled by PAUL F. ROBINSON, O.Carm.: € 32,00