Edizioni Carmelitane
Seeing Him, Are We Moved with Compassion? A Scientific, Ethical and Theological Inquiry Into the Moral Status of the Early Human Embryo
Benny Phang, O. Carm.
2019 | 299 p., 1 color ill. | ISBN: 9787-88-7288-180-4
In this day and age when human dignity is so blatantly and violently ignored, violated, exploited, abused and destroyed, how can one attempt to promote the dignity of the unborn, un-implanted, recently conceived, human embryo, especially when this human being is termed a pre-embryo? Here Benny Phang cleverly introduces a strictly theological dimension of the creation of the human being in God’s divine image and likeness, and more basically, the New Testament precept of love of neighbour. All humans are fundamentally equal, in so far as, there is no-one more human or less human than anyone else! Phang’s careful reflection and meticulous, wide-ranging research, will render this book an essential study instrument on this very delicate and controversial subject. It furnishes a scientific, theological and bioethical basis for intelligent and meaningful dialogue with all those who, for some reason or another, deny the intrinsic human dignity and concomitant human rights of the early embryo!
Benny Phang, O. Carm. is a priest of the Carmelite Order, from the Indonesian Province. He holds a licentiate degree in moral theology from The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., and a doctorate in bioethics from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. He has taught moral theology in STFT Widya Sasana, Indonesia and has lectured extensively. He is the author of several books and scientific articles. Currently he is the General Councillor for Asia, Oceania and Australia, as well as being responsible for Formation in the Carmelite Order.