Edizioni Carmelitane
Constitutions 2019 of the Order of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel
General Curia of the Carmelite Order
2021, 259 p.
These revised Constitutions offer us a valuable instrument to help us have a clearer idea of what kind of witness we are to give and a better understanding of the values to which we want to give witness. We will be well able to read these Constitutions on our own, or with groups of people who are interested in reading and praying with, them. We will also be able to count on the help of experts in our Order and beyond who may help us to see the wider implications of what we have in our Constitutions, and see how we are connected through these Constitutions with the wider Church at this time in its history.
Approved by the General Chapter celebrated in September 2019 and published by order of the Most Reverend Father Míċeál O’Neill Prior General Rome, Italy 2021.