Edizioni Carmelitane
Christ Our Perfection: The Christological Spirituality of Fr. Avertan Fenech, O. Carm.
Warren James Borg Ebejer, T.O.C.S.
2022, 212 p., ill.
This work is the first academic study of Carmelite Avertan Fenech and his spirituality. However, written in a very approachable style. Ebejer examines Fr. Avertan's Christological spirituality in his works and life within the Carmelite tradition.
Particular attention is given to Avertan's life of prayer, as the defining character of Carmel. Avertan's particular style of prayer reflects that of the Reform of Touraine. His notebooks contain meditations, conferences, prayers, and transcriptions. His life of prayer overflowed into his ministry as novice master and spiritual director. All this brings out his genuine interest in helping other transform in Christ. He was also intent on providing his students with the best education on spiritual matters and Carmelite spirituality.
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