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Portrait of the Spiritual Director in the Writings of Saint John of the Cross

Edizioni Carmelitane

Portrait of the Spiritual Director in the Writings of Saint John of the Cross


Dennis Graviss, O. Carm.
 (Second edition: 2014, Revised and updated) | 206 p. | ISBN: 978-88-7288-143-9

S. Giovanni della Croce - la grande figura del direttore spirituale, come colui che guida nello spirito nel cammino di perfezione e della mistica. La seconda edizione di questo libro vuol far mettere in risalto l'importanza del direttore spirituale come guida per riscoprire la propria vocazione, Con i propri limiti umani, ma trasformati, e far scaturire nella preghiera la vera chiamata del Signor e vivere nel Amore infinto. Seconda Edizione (2014). 

In teaching that the spiritual director must be discreet, St. John of the Cross, situates himself soundly within the long Christian tradition of diákrisis, discretio, prudentia, and discreción. Discretion for him is a reality which may be both a supernatural gift from the Lord and a naturally developed virtue. John sees the discreet person as clear-thinking and perspicacious. There is a balance in his judgements founded on solid diagnostic skills. The discreet man can appraise the state of a soul and penetrate motivation to the core. Aware of the nature of mankind, he is cautious in affirming the hand of God in prayer and looks for clear signs of confirmation in the life of a person he is called by his task to evaluate. 

Chapter I The Role of the Spiritual Director in the Spiritual Literature of Spain 1500-1585
1. The historical context
2. García Jiménez de Cisneros, 1455-1510
3. Francisco de Osuna, 1492-1540
4. Ignatius of Loyola, 1491-1556
5. Juan of Avila, 1499-1569 46
6. John of the Cross, O.P. (?)-1565
7. Teresa of Avila, 1515-1582
8. Diego Peréz de Valdivia, 1525-1589

Chapter II Background for the Works of Saint John of the Cross
1. Summary
2. Poetry: the core of the writings
A. The poetic explosion of Toledo
B. Poetry as a tool for teaching
3. Mystical teaching in prose
4. The minor works
5. The problems of the text
6. The problems of the sources
7. The problems of the printed editions
8. The problems of mystical literature
9. The problems of psychological terminology

Chapter III The Spiritual Director Must Be Experienced
1. The meaning of experience in the sanjuanist corpus
2. St. John’s references to the spiritual director which imply experience
3. The experienced spiritual director in the teaching of John of the Cross
4. St. John of the Cross as the experienced spiritual director

Chapter IV The Spiritual Director must be Wise
1. The meaning of wise in the sanjuanist corpus
A. The use of conocer and conocimiento in John of the Cross
B. The use of the verb saber in John of the Cross
C. The use of the word “wisdom” in John of the Cross
D. Towards a Sanjuanist definition of sabio
2. John’s references to the spiritual director which imply a wise person
A. The relationship between John’s intention in writing and the knowledge of the spiritual director
B. Toward a wise spiritual director in Ascent-Dark Night
C. Toward a wise spiritual director in the Canticle and the Living Flame
3. Saint John of the Cross as a wise spiritual director

Chapter V The Spiritual Director must be Discreet
A. The Christian tradition of discernment
B. The sixteenth century Spanish vocabulary
C. The terminology of John of the Cross
1. Toward the meaning of “discreet” in the sanjuanist corpus
A. The use of “caution” in the sanjuanist writings
B. The use of “discretion of spirits” in the sanjuanist writings
C. The notion of prudence/discretion in the sanjuanist writings
D. The use of “discreet” in the sanjuanist writings
2. St. John of the Cross’ references to the spiritual director which imply “discreetness”
A. References to the “discreet” director in John’s positive doctrine
B. References to the “discreet” director in John’s negative doctrine
C. The “discreet” spiritual director
3. John of the Cross a discreet spiritual director

1. Sanjuanist studies in general
2. The portrait of the spiritual director in the sanjuanist corpus
3. Toward a sanjuanist portrait of the spiritual director
4. Toward further study

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