Edizioni Carmelitane
Revised Bollandist Dossier (1659) on St. Peter Thomas, O. Carm
Godfrey Henschen, SJ
Translated by Patrick Mullins, O. Carm.
2021 | 535 p. | ISBN: 978-88-7288-201-6
The dossiers concerning the Saints whose feasts were celebrated in January were the first in the long series of hagiographic dossiers that Henschen published between 1643 and his death in 1681. It would seem that, when he published a revised version of the dossier on St Peter Thomas, O. Carm. in 1659, sixteen years after the publication of the original, he had come to recognise some errors that needed correction, both in terms of positions that he had taken and in terms of the normative nature of the Life written by Philippe de Mézières. The more significant changes introduced concerned the structure and content of the introductory commentary, some minor changes to the text of the Life by de Mézières and more major changes to the attached notes, and a greatly extended treatment of the appendix to that Life to include edited versions of later texts associated with the original appendix and edited transcriptions of most of the papal bulls that had been included in Wadding’s Life.