Books on Titus Brandsma
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Book Collections
La demolita chiesa di S. Nicola dei Cesarini a Roma
Let Yourself Be Loved
Albert and His Rule
Iconografia Carmelitana al Femminile
Titus Brandsma: Writings from Prison - Collected Works, Vol. 3
Christ Our Perfection: The Christological Spirituality of Fr. Avertan Fenech, O. Carm.
Price of Truth: Titus Brandsma, Carmelite
S. Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi: Passione per l'uomo e per la chiesa
"Within This Living Bread": Exploring the Eucharistic Spirituality of St. John of the Cross
Miracula et Benefitia: Malattia, taumaturgia e devozione a Licata e in Sicilia nella prima età moderna. Con l’edizione del processo sui miracoli di sant’Angelo (1625-1627)
Exercise of Loving Solitary Spirits in their Solitudes
Titus Brandsma: Letters to the Family - Collected Works, Vol. 2