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Vivere il Cammino Carmelitano. La Regola per il Terz'Ordine del Carmelo

Edizioni Carmelitane

Vivere il Cammino Carmelitano. La Regola per il Terz'Ordine del Carmelo


General Curia of the Carmelite Order 
2003 | 96 p., ill. | ISBN: 978-88-7288-075-3 

Although referred to as "The Consitutions of the Third Order of the Carmelite Order" it is realistically the Constitutions of the Third Order-- a manual of the requirements and practices necessary for the members and the Third Order organizations. A valuable tool for any member of the Order's Third Order to understand the spirituality and daily commitment of Lay Carmel in the Carmelite Order.

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